association of women entrepreneurs of karnataka en chinois
- 卡纳塔克邦女企业家协会
- association: 音标:[asɔsjasjɔ̃] n.f....
- karnataka: 麦索尔邦 卡纳塔克邦...
- association of women entrepreneurs of small scale industries: 小型工业企业女企业家协会...
- association d’entrepreneurs privés: 私营企业家协会...
- all pakistan women’s association: 全巴基斯坦妇女协会...
- american association of university women: 美国大学妇女协会...
- armenian international women’s association: 亚美尼亚妇女国际协会...
- association of business women of kazakhstan: 哈萨克斯坦女商人协会...
- association of women’s clubs zimbabwe: 津巴布韦妇女俱乐部协会...
- caribbean women’s association: 加勒比地区妇女协会...
- ethiopian women lawyers association: 埃塞俄比亚女律师协会...
- international association of women ministers: 国际女牧师协会...
- national association of women lawyers: 全国女律师协会...
- self-employed women’s association: 自营职业妇女协会...
- young women's christian association: 基督教女青年会...
- Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka Association Points-Cœur
卡纳塔克女企业家协会 - Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka
全国声援贫困妇女协会 - Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka
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